Week One: I guess you could say I worked out…

This week, it was hard to find the motivation to get up and workout. Very hard.

On Sunday last weekend, I decided I wanted to go out and explore, so I went on a run. I found some beautiful parks and this castle-like property that was just gorgeous. I ended up running three miles. There was plenty of hills and stairs involved and I felt like I may die, but I also felt incredible – wish I need to remember when I don’t feel like getting my booty out of bed.

Here are some pictures from my run:


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The second time I worked out this week, I did the elliptical and the bike.

This bike is AWESOME. I rode it for 10 minutes and did the elliptical for 20, and I was dripping sweat. It felt absolutely amazing. I hit the sauna after, and it was fantastic. I am going to focus more of my efforts on completing my workouts and doing some more strength training, so more to come next week!

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